Text formatting guidelines

The full texts, to be sent until 28th February 2021, must observe the CITCEM edition standards

1. Papers submitted should be sent in a single Word document, or PDF, by email to marca_do@sapo.pt

2. Eachpaper, regardless of the language in which it is written, should not exceed 20.000 characters (including notes, tables and annexes)

3. Style

3.1. The text should be in Times, size 12, with 1,5 line spacing, and margins of 2.5 cm

3.2. The title of the article should be aligned to the left, size 14, in bold, and occupy the first line

3.3. Titles and subtitles must be clearly differentiated

3.4. The name(s) of the author(s) must appear on the line immediately following the title, aligned to the right, in size 12, followed by institutional affiliation and personal or institutional e-mail.

3.5. Footnotes should be in Times, size 10, with single line spacing

3.6. The bibliography (mandatory) should include works mentioned in the text or notes and should be ordered alphabetically.

3.7. The use of abbreviations should be limited. For example: sec. XVI should preferably be written as 16th century

4. Citations

4.1. Citations of text excerpts:

a) Minor citations that are integrated in the text should be presented between quotation marks without italics.

proposed text, text proposed «cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text», proposed text, proposed text, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed, text proposed text,

b) Larger excerpts must be cited in separate paragraph(s), without quotation marks, with an indentation of 1 cm on each side, similar size and line spacing as footnotes (font size 10), in italics.


proposed text proposed text, proposed text, proposed text, proposed text, proposed text, proposed text proposed text, 
cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text cited text cited text, cited text, cited text, cited text cited text
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4.2. In documental and bibliographic citation and referencing, articles should comply with the following rules, adapted from NP 405-1:

a) citations of documents in text: documental citations, in footnotes, should include, although in abbreviated form or initials (to be explained at the end of the text, with the bibliography), all elements required for identification. References to documental funds or collections should be made in italics (e.g.: IAN/TT — Convento de Santa Clara de Vila do Conde, cx. 37, mç. 7, s.n.).

b) bibliographical citations: bibliographical references, in footnotes, should include, regardless of the nature of the publication (book, article, etc.), the author(s)’ surname(s) (in capitals), year of publication and page(s) where the citation was taken from (e.g.: PIRES, 2009: 319). If two authors are involved, the surnames of both should be indicated, separated by & (e.g.: ROSAS & MÁIZ, 2008: 338). If there are several authors, the first author’s surname should be followed by the abbreviated expression «et alii», in italics (e.g.:RAMOS et al., 2009: 622). If the author has more than one work included in the bibliography and published in the same year, a letter corresponding to the alphabetical order of the bibliography should be added to the year of publication (e.g.: SARAIVA, 2009a: 11).

5. Citations in the final bibliography (mandatory)

i) Monographs:
E.g.: RAMOS, Rui; SOUSA, Bernardo Vasconcelos e; MONTEIRO, Nuno Gonçalo (2009) — História de Portugal. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros.

SARAIVA, Arnaldo, org. e introd. (2009a) — O personagem na obra de José Marmelo e Silva. Porto: Campo das Letras.

SARAIVA, Arnaldo (2009b) — Guilherme IX de Aquitânia, Poesia. Campinas: Unicamp.

TORRES, Carlos Manitto (1936) – Caminhos-de-ferro. Lisboa: [s.n.].

ii) Periodical publications:
E.g.: ROSAS, António; MÁIZ, Ramón (2008) — Democracia e cultura: da cultura política às práticas culturais democráticas. «Revista da Faculdade de Letras – História», III série, vol. 9. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, p. 337-356.

iii) Chapters in collective works:
E.g.: PIRES, Ana Paula (2009) — A economia de guerra: a frente interna. In ROSAS, Fernando; ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, coord. — História da Primeira República Portuguesa. Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, p. 319-347.

iv) Theses:
E.g: AMARAL, Luís Carlos (2007) — Formação e desenvolvimento do domínio da diocese de Braga no período da Reconquista (séc. IX-1137). Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. PhD Thesis.

v) Electronic Monographs:
E.g: AMARAL, Luís Carlos (2007) — Formação e desenvolvimento do domínio da diocese de Braga no período da Reconquista (séc. IX-1137). Available at: http://www.letras.up.pt/luisamaral.pdf (accessed on 12/09/2010).

vi) Electronic Studies:
E.g.: AMARAL, Luís Carlos (2007) — Formação e desenvolvimento do domínio da diocese de Braga no período da Reconquista (séc. IX-1137). «Revista da Faculdade de Letras – História», III série, vol. 9, p. 337-356. Available at http://www.letras.up.pt/luisamaral.pdf (accessed on 12/09/2010).

vii) Online publications: DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA (2007), Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior, [consulta em 05/07/2017]. Disponível em: https://dre.pt/application/dir/pdf1sdip/2007/09/17400/0635806389.pdf

viii) Papers at scientific events: MARQUES, João Francisco (2005), “Teofanias cristológicas: milagres e santuários no Alto e Baixo Minho”, in Em torno dos Espaços Religiosos – Monásticos e Eclesiásticos, Actas do Colóquio de Homenagem a Frei Geraldo Dias, Porto, Instituto de História Moderna, Universidade do Porto, 6 de dezembro 2004.

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